Five ways to refocus your motivation
🦉Focus on the present.
Worried about that meeting or performance review you have coming up next week or next month? Don’t. Focus on what you have going on right now. Like today. Like this hour. By staying present, you stay mindful and engaged in what you’re doing. When you’re more engaged, you feel more positive and accomplished (like hey, I can do this), which in turn, promote motivation.
🦉 Focus on what you can control.
Easier said than done, but research says focusing our efforts on what we can control and accepting what we can’t can help us feel more committed to our action. One tip I have for my frequent worriers (including myself) is to actually scheduling in worry time. That way, you can let yourself off the hook for worrying and tell your mind, I’ll put this thought aside for now and come back to it during my worry time.
🦉Focus on the why.
Why is the thing you want to get motivated about important to you? How does it fit in to your broader goals? Why are those goals meaningful to you? By deepening these inquiries, you can start shifting out to see the big picture. So when things get tough, and motivation wanes, you can remind yourself why you’re doing this.
🦉 Focus on your support.
Accountability matters! Get your people in on your goal. Ask them what theirs are. By doing stuff together and holding each other accountable, you’re more likely to follow through. Having a coach or therapist guide you through this works too!
🦉 Focus on your strengths.
If you were to ask your supervisor, coworkers, or friends what you’re good at, what do you think they would say? We get so caught up in our shortcomings, especially when things aren’t going as planned, that we often forget to also see what we are doing well. Take some time to really think about your strengths. What makes you resilient? What do you have to offer that other people don’t? How do these strengths motivate you?
How will YOU stay motivated through the end of this week!? Let’s finish it strong! 💪🏼