Why would 2019 you be proud of 2020 you?
Take a pause to reflect.
We get so caught up in the day to day particulars we find ourselves thinking—change is not coming quick enough. . .
✨With challenge comes adversity.✨
No one would have expected the beginning of 2020 to look the way it did. Not only did our hopes, aspirations, travel plans, and goals get put on hold, we also had such upheaval in our collective societal values of freedom of speech, climate change, trust in science, and of course, social justice.
We get so caught up in the day to day particulars we find ourselves thinking—change is not coming quick enough. If you’re like me, it seems like the days are simultaneously entirely too long and entirely too short. March feels like both last week and a lifetime ago. I think part of it comes from wanting to hurry through this trying year and just hope that 2021 is different! Yet, when we try and hurry past the present, it has a funny way of sneaking back up on you.
So, what if we paused to take a look back to 2019?
🍁What adversities did you overcome in 2020?
🍁What are you most proud of?
🍁What did you think you couldn’t get through, but you did?
🍁How did you use your own unique skills to make the best of a difficult situation?
🍁 How did you use your values to guide you through adversity?
🍁Why would 2019 you be proud of 2020 you? 🍁
How would you answer these questions? If you were to take the time to do this as a journal exercise, I would suspect you would find some interesting realizations. You see, we have a difficult time actually seeing change and progress when we’re in the thick of it. Especially in times of adversity, your mind turns off the introspective part for self-reflection in service of getting you through the tough times. You have to actively and consciously take the time to see the change and assess your progress.
Without self-reflection, we miss out on learning about ourselves, and having clear perspective. We don’t take time to nurture our growth mindset. We feel like time is passing us by without having any agency. Yet, that’s not an authentic perspective.
We’re constantly learning and evolving. We’re shifting past barriers and overcoming obstacles. And we don’t even take a second glance. So I encourage you, when you have some time. Take a pause to reflect. Why would 2019 you be proud of 2020 you?