Flexible Thinking Is…


πŸ›‘ Flexible thinking is NOT all of a sudden seeing the world all rosy. 

πŸ›‘ Flexible thinking is NOT never feeling any pain and discomfort. 

πŸ›‘ Flexible thinking is NOT letting go of your patterns of thinking entirely. 

 πŸ’­ Flexible thinking is moving towards seeing the world more authentically and as it is. 

πŸ’­ Flexible thinking is feeling pain and discomfort and learning how to tolerate and cope with it. 

πŸ’­ Flexible thinking is gradually introducing a shadow that your deeply held beliefs may not entirely true all of the time. 


β€œNotice these shifts aren’t big, but small steps towards introducing doubt. β€œ

Introducing flexible thinking is a gradual process. Our beliefs, either big or small, can be deeply engrained from our life experiences. As a result, these patterns take time to analyze, bring into our present context, and shift into something more balanced and in line with our present reality. 

Notice these shifts aren’t big, but small steps towards introducing doubt. Think of it like cracking open a door to allow light to filter in. As you start peering out that small crack and seeing that you’re still safe, you may decide to open the door a little more and a little more. As you let more light in, you are able to see your present context a bit clearer and a bit clearer. This gradual process is what flexible thinking is all about. Allowing a shadow of doubt to shed light on how our present context may inform our patterns of thinking.


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